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Mixed Oomphaz


Mixed media art can be differentiated into distinct types, some of which are:

Collage: This is an art form which involves combining different materials like ribbons, newspaper clippings, photographs etc. to create a new whole. While it was a sporadic practice in antiquity, it became a fundamental part of modern art in the early 20th century, due to the efforts of Braque and Picasso

The term “mixed” is used to refer to a person of multi-ethnic origin. “Mixed” is commonly used to refer to bi-racial or tri-racial people; however, a mixed person is really just anyone with more than 2 races in their ethnic background (e.g. African, Asian, European, Indigenous American, Indigenous Australian, and/or Pacific Islander etc.)

“Bro guess what?! I just got my DNA results from 23andMe. I thought I was just Saudi Arabian but it turns out I’m kind of mixed: 70% Middle Eastern, 15% European, 10% African, and 5% Asian!”

“5% Asian? Bro what if your ancestors knew my ancestors in China a long time ago?!”


“You don’t look mixed because you don’t have light skin, light eyes, or light-colored hair…and your hair is too curly.”

“Actually, my biological father is Afro-Caribbean and my biological mother is Indo-Fijian. Being mixed doesn’t mean a person has to have light-colored features or look partly European.”

“Oh my god your kids are so cute, I love mixed babies! I would marry outside my race too so I can have exotic bi-racial kids! They’ll have perfect hair, pretty eyes, and the best skin color…I wish I was bi-racial so I could be hot AND help to end racism!”

“Okay, no. First of all, don’t objectify mixed children like that. Secondly, Bi-racial people are still human beings, not some ethnic fetish or a racial fantasy.”


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